Online Therapy for Women Entrepreneurs/CEOs in Tennessee

Helping high achieving women and business owners overcome imposter syndrome, find balance, and embrace progress over perfection.

You started a business because you love what you do. Now, it feels like it’s the one running you.

The never ending to-do list. The fear of failure. The push & pull between pushing to reach your goals and taking the time to enjoy the life you’re creating. The isolation, imposter syndrome, and pressure to succeed.
You couldn’t have anticipated all of these challenges when you chose to start a business. But you’re finding now that life as an entrepreneur — especially as a woman — is not for the faint of heart.
Every week feels like a rollercoaster, and it’s becoming more and more difficult to keep a healthy distance between the results in your business and the way you feel about yourself. The work-life balance that you thought would come so easily actually feels more difficult than ever—you miss the ability to take a vacation or simply turn “off.” 
You’re ready to regain a sense of energy and confidence in your work and to get back to creating a business that supports your life (not the other way around).

You’re ready to:

  • Set healthier boundaries around your time, energy, and finances

  • Work through financial anxiety or avoidance
  • Confront fears of failure, visibility, or growth
  • Improve time and task management
  • Overcome imposter syndrome
  • Embrace both your professional and personal identities
  • Become more present with loved ones

Doing it “all” doesn’t mean having to do it alone.

It also doesn’t mean having to do it all right now.

Therapy for entrepreneurs is focused on helping you slow down and take stock of your business and life, all without sacrificing your success. This is a place where you can share those feelings of overwhelm, fear, anxiety, and not being good enough—all the things you likely haven’t felt like you’ve had to keep inside in order to keep both business & life running smoothly.

We’ll look for opportunities to put systems and structures in place to serve your business goals as well as your life ones, whether that’s being more present with your kids, actually taking a vacation, or achieving certain financial milestones. You’ll grow in your confidence in prioritizing what’s urgent and what’s not and where your energy should be focused.

Plus, you’ll be doing this work with someone who knows this by experience. I get this because I’m doing it too. I know what it’s like to question yourself, to ride the emotional roller coaster of entrepreneurship, all while finding ways to balance all of life’s other demands.

My goal is that you leave each session with something tangible to apply to your day-to-day: something to implement, something to read, or another tool to begin making the small tweaks that add up to big change in your business and your life.


What is therapy for entrepreneurs like?
During the first few sessions we will talk about the struggles that bring you to therapy, your history, and define your goals. We’ll talk about personal struggles, business challenges and everything in between. As a therapist, I have a real-life, practical, and straightforward approach. This means I will be actively involved in our sessions, helping you to achieve your goals.
How long do I need to be in therapy?

How long you will be in therapy depends on your needs. The research suggests that most therapy clients feel improvement in 12 – 15 sessions and I would expect the same for us. Some clients feel better enough that they graduate within that time. Others find that they enjoy the process of therapy and want to continue as their lives change and evolve. My goal is to help you meet your goals as soon as possible. As long as counseling continues to be helpful, I’ll be here to support you.

How do I know if therapy for entrepreneurs will work for me?
While I can’t make guarantees, I can tell you that I know growth, healing, and change are possible. I see it everyday as I witness my clients’ relationships evolve and improve.

Study after study has shown that the quality of the relationship between client and therapist is the most reliable and the most powerful predictor of a positive outcome in therapy, which is why I offer a free consultation to ensure I am the right person to help you.

How do we get started?

Contact me to schedule a free consultation with me. It’s important that you feel comfortable with your counselor, and I’ll help you decide if I’m the right fit for you.

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital

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40 Burton Hills Blvd. Suite 200, Nashville, TN 37215